


Thank you for considering supporting Rendezvous!

Rendezvous Center for Art is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and donations are tax deductible as allowable by current law.

To make an online donation, please follow this link to our secure donation page through LGL (Little Green Light)


If you would like to mail a check, please make it out to:

Rendezvous Center for Art

And mail to:
132 Pineview Dr
Houston, Texas

Rendezvous Center for Art gratefully acknowledges a founding donation from Sara Rosenbaum & Dan Hawkins and the generous sponsors of "Town Meeting 1978-2028": Beverly McPhail & Kevin Kulish, Dr. Don Bacigalupi & Daniel Feder, The Terrence McNally Foundation, Scott & Judy Nyquist, and Sharmon J Hilfinger & Luis Trabb Pardo.